Dear Readers:

During this holiday season, there is much occurring in the world not to my liking; from relatively minor inconveniences such as technology glitches to major concerns I harbor regarding the current political and social climate. While I acknowledge the validity of some of these concerns, I also recognize that much of my annoyance is due to a blow to my self centered ego wanting things to be the way I want them to be.

During these moments of awareness I find a greater measure of acceptance of what is, especially when it is NOT the way I would like it to be.  Page 449 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says, “and acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.” It goes on to say that nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (caps mine) happens…by accident and that the way to find serenity is in accepting that things are EXACTLY the way they are supposed to be at this moment.

I have a very challenging time accepting that everything which happens in the world is EXACTLY the way it is supposed to be at this moment. But I do wholeheartedly agree with the book’s premise that, “…unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy” and that, “I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as to what needs to be changed in me and my attitudes.”

I believe that there is great value in social justice activism and an absolute necessity for making efforts to change the world for the better.  The point is that I can lose myself in trying to change others to fit my preferences rather than adjust to reality.  And when I accept reality, I am empowered to respond more constructively and therefore effectively in my effort to create a more harmonious reality.

Wishing all of you a joyous, peaceful, and abundant holiday season.

Peace and blessings, Samuel