Q: What is life coaching and how is it different from therapy?

A: While therapy focuses on how your past experiences impact your present life, life coaching focuses on how you can concretely do things differently in the PRESENT to help you reach your as of yet unfulfilled goals, dreams, and desires.

Q: What are some of the advantages of utilizing life coaching vs. therapy?

A: Therapy usually requires obtaining a referral, either from a physician or your insurance company.  Your therapist is legally bound by certain limits of confidentiality, usually must diagnose you as suffering from a mental illness, and is often required to fill out lengthy and specific reports to justify why you are seeking treatment.  Unfortunately, neither you nor your therapist has any knowledge or control over who gets access to these reports. Finally, your insurance company is involved in then deciding whether to pay your therapist, with the exception of your copayment. Coaching involves none of these limitations. You choose your coach, decide on what your focus is and how long you wish to work together, and pay your coach directly, without the complications of a third party payor. Your complete confidentiality is assured.

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