Dear Readers:

I apologize for the long delay since my last blog entry. In addition to suffering from spotty internet connection for the last couple of months, I have been recuperating from an upper respiratory infection that knocked me for a loop.

In my last blog about gratitude, I was riding  a high of having an extraordinary visit to the Northeast, including meeting biological relatives I did not know existed until 8 months ago.

In contrast,  I have spent the last two months in a third world country living like a “rich American” but it was a third world country nonetheless.  However, despite the advantages of having the financial resources of a “rich” American, it was a very challenging time coping with reality.

And I fell far short from the way I would have liked to respond to the situations which I encountered there. I became rather self willed, obstinate, and less pleasant to be around than I care to admit.

While there were also pleasant experiences, living right on the Caribbean with the amenities of a lovely condo, when there were no power outages. Ninety degree temperatures which feel like 113 considering the humidity are not pleasant without the luxury of air conditioning. And without Internet access, I felt isolated from my support system, as well as my work.

I did connect with some fellows whom I have known for the last fifteen years I have been vacationing there.  I did have the opportunity to work my Program and to be of service, to practice patience, tolerance, restraint of pen and tongue (when I had the where with all and mindfulness to practice that tool) .

Nevertheless, in contrast to my previous visits there, I was eager to return to the US at least two weeks before my return flight. And I carry back with me the consciousness that there are many people who have the courage and fortitude to live under the conditions that the majority of the world do.

Imprinted on my memory are the sights of young and old men with distended stomachs, one arm or one leg, hobbling up to the traffic to offer a soapy spritz  to wash off my windshield in exchange for a small coin or two. This is a painful sight which occurs multiple times a day and reminds me of the difficult conditions that afflict the majority of the world’s population.

I, with all the advantages I have enjoyed in my life, had trouble coping with occasional air conditioning failure and lack of an Internet connection. And so I am again reminded that I am and have been EXTREMELY fortunate to live under the circumstances under which I live.

I remain grateful and eager to be of assistance to those who have a goal, dream, or desire which they have not yet fulfilled.  Until then, I wish you much love and many blessings,

